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People worldwide suffer from erectile dysfunction

People worldwide suffer from erectile dysfunction
Image by Tumisu

 Millions and millions of people worldwide have erectile dysfunction known as impotence your sexual desire may not be their difficulty getting an erection or even keeping an erection erectile dysfunction has many different causes obesity

cardiovascular problems, diabetes lack of exercise, low testosterone, poor diet these particular remedies are going to make a huge impact on your health there are many kinds of medications out Therefore erectile dysfunction, and you know what they are, but the problems with they are the side effects it can affect the kidneys the heart the blood pressure and other organs within the body lack of sleep from stress insomnia has a direct relationship with low testosterone also low vitamin d most of us as we get older do not spend a lot of time in the sun, therefore, vitamin d levels are always low if you're a smoker you must stop smoking will result in vascular disease this occurs when blood supply to the penis becomes restricted blocking and narrowing the arteries you also need to restrict your alcohol the central nervous system is responsible for releasing nitric oxide is the essential chemical for producing and maintaining an erection

therefore alcohol consumption diminishes the central nervous system limiting the amount of nitric oxide, causing that erectile dysfunction now erectile dysfunction

can also come from many side effects from certain medications, particularly

diuretics beta-blockers certain heart medications cholesterol meds antipsychotic drugs hormone drugs and medication for male pattern baldness there are many

different herbs and vitamins out there to help erectile dysfunction panic's ginseng

called the herbal viagra, this is the red ginseng; this has a lot of solid research behind

l-arginine that's an amino acid naturally present in your body that helps make nitric oxide now. Nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels to facilitate a successful erection and is essential for healthy sexual functioning; Yohimbe is also on top of the charts. This supplement is extracted from the bark of the African Yohimbe tree

the only downside is that this can increase your blood pressure. Pomegranates have been known to help erectile dysfunction the juice and extract from this fruit is known for being packed with nutrients, but it does help the arteries expand and

there are overall great health benefits horny goat weed is another great herb that's been around for centuries; this herb boosts energy and helps balance out your whole body exercise is like magic; you may not be able to run a mile or two miles, but you can walk you can do light exercise that will increase circulation help you lose weight help you reduce cholesterol that potentially can be plaquing inside those vessels stress will cut off your reproductive system erectile function will happen all the time when you're under stress norepinephrine epinephrine cortisol all those stress hormones are not good for your body watching pornography and masturbating all the time will eventually lead to erectile dysfunction too much sexual stimulation is not good you're overloading the reward system in your brain that's causing dopamine those happy chemicals

that's being secreted from the brain and eventually, you will get desensitized to sexual stimulation so when you start cutting out porn and masturbation you will see significant results so let's understand a little bit of the physiology of an erection what is happening inside your body, your penis has two chambers inside of it these chambers extend from the head of your penis deep into the pelvis the insides of these chambers are made of spongy tissue and have the ability to gain blood volume and grow in size so erectile dysfunction generally comes from three things the first is that your brain isn't sending the right signals to your penis this could be a neurological issue the second is that the blood flow to your penis is inadequate from high blood pressure heart disease high cholesterol and the The third is that there's been damage to the erectile tissue potentially from radiation to the prostate or some other procedure the most important exercise for erectile dysfunction is the kegel exercise is where we're going to contract and relax those muscles in the pelvic floor between the penis and the anal region if you're a woman and you're reading this article guess what this kegel exercise is great for you too your doctor has probably told you particularly after childbirth any kind of uterine prolapse incontinence difficulty holding in your urine better sex better orgasms so for the men for healthier erections and for the woman more sexual arousal the kegel exercise is something that's very simple to do so let's practice the kegel exercise together we're stopping the urine flow as we're squeezing those pelvic muscles and at the same time we're squeezing our anal region to prevent gas from coming out just imagine that feeling that will give you a better understanding of how to do this technique okay so let's squeeze for three seconds and then relax for one then we squeeze for three seconds relax for one let's go squeeze as if you're preventing that urine flow from coming out hold it three seconds relax squeeze again three seconds and relax you're going to do 10 to 12 repetitions that's one set as you progressively do this technique that deep pelvic floor muscles are going to continue to get stronger helping you like you've never seen before I hope that these remedies as well as the kegel exercise will make a positive impact in your life.



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