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These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet


Experts say that the average person walks about 150 to 180 miles in a year

with all that huffing around, are you in the proper Footwear? Well, if you like to

wear any of the following shoes; then they could be doing some real damage to

your feet and your whole body starting with the most famous feet torturers.


These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet

Number one, high heels might make you look and feel fabulous giving

you all the confidence to rule the world but from your feet perspective these

shoes are the ultimate nightmare; one study from Manchester Metropolitan

University found that wearing high heels regularly throughout your life can

shorten your calf muscles by an alarming 13%, but that's still not all back in

2015 the University of Alabama published some scary statistics that showed that

more than 120 thousand women ended up in the years between 2002 and 2012 thinks to high heel related injuries, and that comes as no surprise to experts since

high heels are infamous for causing sprains, ingrown toenails, nerve damage

and lower back pain, but there's good news too you don't have to give up heels

completely to protect your feet.

 Dr Emily Sallee Hall, a podiatrist and human movement specialist, says that shoes with heels of 3 inches and less are excellent for your feet. Anything above that, though, already changes the biomechanics of your walk, so get yourself a nice pair of 3-inch heels and keep on conquering the world in fashion and comfort number.

These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet

Two -platforms even though platforms do look nice, your feet hate them with a passion. These shoes are never flexible and have very rigid foot bets. As a result,

your feet can't bend a certain way when need be, which ultimately goes against the natural way a person walks. Experts suggest that you stop wearing this type of shoe for good to keep your foot health in check still if you decide to wear platforms.

Dr Hillary Brenner from the American Podiatric Medical Association says that you should make sure that the heel of the platforms doesn't go higher than the toe area. It will help decrease the strain that high-heeled media typically put on your metatarsal bones.

These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet

Number three flip-flops what could be comfier than the ultimate fun-in-the-sun shoe. Well, believe it or not, flip-flops don't come Without their serious risks; first of all, I'm sure you've had a pair that's rubbed your skin in between your toes the wrong way, giving you a painful and unsightly blister plus they do not support your feet properly, which can provoke misalignment in your ankles and knees finally when you're wearing flip-flops your feet constantly have to hang on to the strap over time. It can lead to toe and bone deformities; instead of choosing flip-flops as your go-to summer Footwear ups for fashionable and sandals, they're the following best the thing to barefoot spending a day in them, and you'll instantly notice a difference.

These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet

 Number four flats okay it might seem obvious why high heels flip-flops and platforms are bad Footwear but what about flats what could be wrong with them well this type of shoe has its major problem they don't provide any support for your feet whatsoever this puts extra pressure on your plantar fascia which is a muscle that connects your heels and toes this strain slowly but steadily leads to pain in your knees and even your back to avoid this problem you don't have to give up your favourite pair of flats get some orthotic inserts they'll give your arch the much-needed support, and there you go problem solved if only everything in life was so simple.

These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet

 Number five-pointed shoes pointed shoes are always a great addition to any outfit and they can make you feel like you can take on anything that comes your way, but when it comes to your feet, they aren't the best or healthiest Footwear choice the thing is these shoes give your feet a tight squeeze which is never good especially if you have wide feet this extra pressure can lead to all kinds of unpleasant conditions including nerve pain blisters and bunions what's even scarier they can lead to a painful deformity called hammer toe this is when one of your toes usually the second or third one bends or curls downward instead of pointing straight ahead if you can't give up your favourite pointy-toed shoes than at least try to minimize their negative impact by making sure that your feet feel comfortable inside of them remember even the slightest pressure is a sign that these shoes certainly aren't for you.

These Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet


Number six running shoes. Hey, the name says it all, so there shouldn't be any

the question as to when you're supposed to wear these shoes put. These shoes are great for running and exercising but not for everyday wear and the real reason behind it is their extra flexibility and softness that believe it or not are suitable for your feet,  in the long run, no fun intended nonetheless if you love this type of Footwear way too much to give it up. At least switch to athletic shoes with more complex bottoms, they'll support your feet but still feel comfortable and light; whatever type of shoes you decide to buy, there are a few simple recommendations you should follow to make sure that your feet will feel comfortable and stay happy first and foremost try to go shopping in the afternoon by this time your feet will have naturally expanded a little just from being used for so many hours if you hold off till this time it'll make it easier to find a great pair of shoes that'll stay comfy all day long secondly measure your feet regularly pediatric surgeon Dr Jacqueline Sutera says that our feet change significantly over time the ligaments and tendons get looser every year plus gravity and body weight make our feet wider and more stretched out that's why shoes that used to feel like a glove may suddenly feel really uncomfortable so before going to the store measure your feet to know exactly what to look for another important trick is to take a tracing of your foot with this may seem a little weird but it's one of the best ways to figure out whether your new shoes will fit perfectly or be super uncomfortable just place one of the shoes you're looking to buy on top of the tracing if it's narrower or shorter these shoes are hard for you examining the soles is another crucial the step that many people forget about ideally they should provide great protection for your feet in case you step on or bump into a sharp object but still feel like a comfy cushion remember how platforms are too rigid and running shoes are too flexible that's the key for you healthy shoes should be the epitome of balance flexible enough but still slightly rigid and stable if everything's alright put the shoes on and stand in them for a bit how do they feel is there any pressure don't forget to press on top of the shoes to find out whether there's some space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe having no space is a bad sign this means that your feet won't have enough room to press forward which can make it difficult for you to walk finally check the inside of your shoes for any inconvenience tags seams or other things that may irritate your foot if there's nothing to worry about it's time to finally walk in them great and healthy shoes should feel comfortable light and flexible forget about the hole I'll break them in, and they'll be the all right type of thinking why put your feet through unnecessary stress when you can get you that fit perfectly from the start, it's always possible to find beautiful and comfortable shoes so don't put your health on the line and choose wisely what's your favourite type of shoes.

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